
Zero Sugar, Zero Emissions: Big Brand Beverage’s Green Revolution

Sep. 05, 2024

In today's consumer market, health and environmental protection have become the two major goals pursued by people. More and more consumers are paying attention to their health choices and pursuing "zero sugar, zero calorie, zero fat" drinks. At the same time, big name drinks such as Yuanqi Forest, Luckin Coffee, and Honey Snow Ice City are also fulfilling their "zero carbon" environmental commitments, committed to reducing factory carbon emissions.

Recently, as the world's fourth largest catering chain brand, Meixue Bingcheng has taken an important step towards sustainable development. Da Ka International has installed 5.57MW high-efficiency double glass photovoltaic modules at its factory in Chongzuo City, making it the largest single photovoltaic power station in Chongzuo City to date. It can reduce 7176 tons of carbon emissions annually, and is expected to save over 18 million yuan in electricity bills for Big Shot International in the next 20 years. This is a win-win situation for a company like Meixue Ice City that is committed to green and environmental protection.


The 9MW distributed photovoltaic project constructed by Yuanqi Forest in Chuzhou has been fully connected to the grid for power generation. This is its first self built production base,with 6 high-speed production lines and an annual output of 900 million bottles. The power station is expected to generate approximately 10 million kilowatt hours of green electricity annually, reducing carbon emissions by over 6800 tons. At the same time, Yuanqi Forest has also achieved zero carbon cooperation in its factories in Zhaoqing, Tianjin and other places in Guangdong. Through comprehensive solutions such as rooftop photovoltaics, carport photovoltaics, and charging management, nearly 20MW of distributed photovoltaics have been installed, helping to fulfill its commitment to green products and environmentally friendly factories.


Luckin Coffee's Jiangsu roasting base took two years to complete and open this year, with a total investment of 200 million US dollars and an annual roasting capacity of 30000 tons of coffee beans, accounting for nearly 20% of the country's coffee roasting capacity. The base adopts energy-saving and carbon reduction technology to build a green factory. It is expected that the 2MW photovoltaic project will bring 64.46 million yuan in electricity revenue and reduce 80000 tons of carbon emissions. This not only reflects Luckin Coffee's commitment to environmental protection, but also leads the industry's trend towards green energy transformation.


Solar power generation is not only environmentally friendly, but also effectively reduces production costs. By using clean energy, factory operations become more efficient and sustainable. This not only helps reduce carbon footprint, but also enhances brand image and attracts more environmentally conscious consumers. The green revolution should not be limited to the efforts of a few brands, but should become a common pursuit of the entire industry.

As a professional solar energy industry and trade integrated company, we have rich experience in helping enterprises achieve zero emission goals. We provide comprehensive solar energy storage solutions and consulting services, which can help various enterprises efficiently build green factories and fulfill their environmental commitments.

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